Friday, September 30, 2016



Weekly Reading 
For the month of OCTOBER, here is a list of the weekly reading, in case you lost those handed out in class:


Weekly Presentations began last month - for October, the following folks will be presenting (not necessarily in the order shown):

October 6th
  • Aris - Women's Roles in Colonial America
  • Elyse - Maryland Toleration Act of 1649
  • Hannah - Pennsylvania's Frame of Government
  • Romy - Salutary Neglect
October 13th
  • Piper - The Coercive Acts
  • Joel - France's Role in the American Revolution
  • Josh - Mount Vernon Compact/Annapolis Convention
  • Alyssa - The French and Indian War
October 20th
  • Justin - The Northwest Ordinances
  • Shay - The Judiciary Act of 1789
  • Cami - The Anti-Federalist Papers
  • Mia - Shay's Rebellion
October 27th
  • Joe - Alien & Sedition Acts of John Adams
  • Paige - Zebulon Pike
  • Nathan - The Embargo Act of 1807
  • Trevor - The War of 1812


Quarterly Debate 
You and a team of debaters will be preparing for an argument on a related topic each quarter. You will be expected to participate and engage - and hopefully learn something unique about your nation's history...

This month's debate topic:
RESOLVED: America should return to a Confederation system where the states have more power than a centralized government system.
FIRST QUARTERLY DEBATE - Thursday, November 3rd

REMEMBER you will have a test each Quarter over the SNAPSHOT dates, any material provided in class to that point, and details from Weekly Presentations.
Keep taking notes - we will review beforehand...

FIRST QUARTERLY TEST - Tuesday, November 1st

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